The registration process must be completed in the office and the yearly registration fee must be paid in order to secure your child’s spot. Please note: The registration fee is non-refundable. We will need all of the following paperwork for class sign up:
Class Etiquette
Please DO NOT TALK to your child during class. It is imperative for their safety as well as the safety of others in their class that they are focused on their instructor.
Use of Equipment
Your child may NOT be on any equipment or on the gym floor without an instructor present. Please keep any children who are not in class with you at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS! Thank you.
Tuition is due on week #1 of each session. All Tri-Star members are required to have a card on file to secure payment in the event that tuition is not paid the first week of the session. You will still have the option of paying by cash, check or credit card. If a payment has not been made by week #2 of the session your card on file will be run. If for any reason your tuition is not paid during week 2 of the session, you will be assessed a $25 late fee. NO EXCEPTIONS! For your convenience, we will gladly accept tuition payments by phone. Click here to view the payment schedule for 2024-2025 *Please Note: Pre-paid tuition is non-refundable.
Make-up Classes
You may schedule make-ups for missed classes; however you must schedule make-up classes in advance with the office staff. If you just show up, you will not be allowed to participate for that make-up. If your child is signed up for a make-up class, please notify the office if he/she is going to be absent. This opens the spot up for others. If you schedule a make-up and don’t notify the office that your child won’t be attending the class, that will count as your make-up. You have six months to make up a class from the date missed as long as your child is continuously enrolled in classes. Make-up classes will not be accepted once the student is dropped from class. Thank you.
Class Cancellation
If you are going to miss a class, please call and let us know at 603-749-1234. If your child would like to drop a class, you must notify the OFFICE (not the instructor) in WRITING BEFORE the 1st day of the next session to avoid the class fee. Failure to do so will make you responsible for payment for ALL classes until a written drop notice is received. No Exceptions! Participating in any activities such as fun meets or gym shows is prohibited once a drop notice is received.
Out of consideration for staff and other gymnasts, please keep your child at home if they or any member of their family has been vomiting or has a fever or COVID symptoms. Children are welcome back to class once they have gone at least 24 hours without vomiting and has been fever free (without a fever reducer) for at least 24 hours and COVID has been ruled out. The office will be happy to schedule a make-up class for any missed absences. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Please review our TSG Covid screening questions before bringing your child to the gym each and every time. If you can answer “yes” to any of the screening questions please keep your child at home and follow all Covid protocols. We are happy to schedule make up classes. Thank you.
Weather Related Closings
You may call the gym at 749-1234 and the answering machine will give updated information. Information is updated 1 hour before any class time. We also post closings on our website, Facebook page and Instagram. We do not prorate tuition for weather related closing. Please contact the office and our staff will be happy to schedule a make-up class for your child.
A more comprehensive explanation of our Policies 2024-2025 can be found in your child’s registration packet or downloaded from the above link.